Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear all,
   It was a successful Lunar New Year Banquet, Thanks so much for all your effort and hard work !  Another great team work. Without your endless meetings ... And Effort ...Last night's banquet would never happen.
    Special Thanks to Nancy Lin  & Sam On -their first time as MC.  Did a great job,  Nancy is also program was a good match with Sam, Now we all know Nancy has another talent :0) another special person  we will need thank is Nancy Lu ~who did not sleep for days trying to finish the last minutes work..she did a  wonderful work for everything not only treasurer, referrals, ,host ,updated listing,gifts..hotel..Program book, I want to say thank you .. Nancy ..
   Talk about our wonderful Slide show master Patrick .. Who Spent days to make us a  unforgettable slide show for our last year memories..
    Of course we need thank our  Ntcctcc  team who works so hard to put this event together ...Linda Ping, special support writing a wonderful article for our newspaper and remind us for all details stay late with Amber , Nancy Lin and Nancy Lu ,Mr. Men, Hong , Roy 's  Hsien Chang to support our program  Fred 's table setting..,Peggy ,Ad special ,Tony & Sam driving more than 1 hour to attend our meetings..Henry 's name tag, JJ's reminder,Bill Wu's donation,David Hsu 下飛機後立刻趕到現場的專業攝影師,禮儀小姐們的最後培訓,由施明君指揮 & 團長Lily Yang 帶領的海天合唱團,傅慧萍領唱的民歌集合團體幾個星期的排練,Paula's 6天的密集訓練出的小龍女跳舞團隊,都得到駐休士頓經濟文化辦事處代理處長魏煥忠及 商務部組長黃立正.及駐休士頓僑教中心主任王偉讚的大力肯定,他們對我們整個晚會的主持及安排都很滿意。
    Judy 's ViP list ,ad & table sponsors ,Grace's support for chinese typing more typing more correction...never complain ,she is my angel ...many many more People I would like to thank... Like Mily 's Dragon envelopes,Linda Ping stay late for helping out, Peggy 's last minute Ad, Fred ,Charlie for the 總管VIP..及又捐贈$168...Eric's late night work on the program book...and my Dear husband, ,mother-in-law, & my son's support ..
    We did it again! It was a great banquet, everyone was happy & cheerfully celebrated our Lunar Dragon New Year !
    It was crazy at the end, and if I forgot anyone with no certificate, sorry. Linda, Peggy , Fred ...please let me know if I forgot anyone else ..Sorry !
    They are still more sponsors we will need to thank for ..we will have a full page ad to thank all our table ,AD and gift sponsors.
     Please email us, if we miss any one ..Thank you all !
     We  wish you all have a prosperous new year and good health through the year .
 祝福各位 :祥龍獻瑞,龍年吉祥!

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